Sanat veya bir duyguyu tanımlayabilmek için renk ve form arayışları bir nevi kendimi tanıma ve tanımlama benim için. Yarattığım hayali dünyalarda henüz gerçekleşmemiş olasılıklara çağrı yapıyorum. Ne zaman ki sanatımda kendi tecrübelerine rastlar seyirci o zaman sanatım duygu ve tecrübeleri akla aykırı olmayan hale getirmiş olur yani kabul edilebilir kılar.
Anlattığım her hikaye ile hem seyircilerim ile hemde seyircilerimin kendi aralarında bir iletişim başlatmak amacım. Bu sayede aramızda ki ayrılıklar ortadan kalkmış olur zaman mesafe ve kültür farklılığı tanımadan.
Hayatımın pek çok alanında, kullandığım kelimeler ve objelerde ve sanatımda sadelikte daha çok anlam bulunabileceğime inanıyorum. Sanatımda da yumuşak bir ses kullanıp aralara sessizlikler bırakırım ki bu belirsizlikte seyirci fazlasıyla tanımlanmış bir konunun karışıklığından ve sınırlamalarından kaçabilsin. Hikayemin sadece bir kısmını sunarak sanatın duygu arayışını teşvik etmesi amacım. Böylece seyirciye kendi estetik seçeneklerini bulması ve hayal edebilmesi için alan bırakmış oluyorum.
İnternet Adresi:
Instagram: belginyucelenartist
Belgin Yucelen I artist statement
Creating is a sacred call for me, a responsibility to peruse myself, to communicate my inner-self and evoke a form of consciousness.
The process of art making is a revelation for knowing who I am. To make sense of a feeling, I search for forms. From these forms, I create imaginary worlds that help conjure unrealized possibilities. When the viewer recognizes her own experiences in these imaginary worlds I create, my art becomes a sense making tool as encountering feelings and experiences similar to ours validates them.
I can only create the view from my own window manifested by my hands. With each story I tell, or feeling I express, I aim to start a communication through which I meet with my viewer, and other viewers meet within the space only art can create, dissolving the separation between us, and across time, distances and cultures.
In many aspects of my life, including objects I own, words I use, and my art, I aim to assume meaning with less. In my artmaking, I use a soft voice, almost an understatement with silences, and pauses which create spaces of ambiguity where the viewer can escape from the limitations and complexities of a well-defined subject. By presenting a mere hint of the story, I evaluate the possibility of art to provoke seeking for emotions. Through the act of revealing or concealing, similar to a fenced garden which partly obstructs the view, the viewer stays longer to find out what is hidden behind. This also empowers the viewer to imagine and make their own aesthetic choices and personal interpretations.
Seçilmiş Kişisel Sergiler
- 2022 BMoCA @Frasier Meadows Summer 2022, May-October
ArtGym, May - 2020 Among Flowers in Bloom (art installation, dance and music) at the House of Serein, CO, March-April
Clothes from the Past at the Customs House Museum, Clarksville, TN, November 2019-January 2020 - 2019 From Ancient to Now at the BoxHeart Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA, May – June
- 2018 Clothes from the Past at the Helena Davis Gallery, Artspace, Richmond, VA, July – August
- 2017 Sole Purpose: The Shoe at the Arts/Harmony Hall, Fort Washington, MD, October – December
7th Solo Art Series Art Competition at the Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery, October – November and
Installation: For Children who will Never be Able to Fly a Kite, fundraiser for the famine in South Sudan, Somalia, Yemen and Nigeria, June, 2017
Clothes from the Past: Installation at the Lakeside Legacy Foundation (LLF), Dole Mansion, IL, March
Ethereal Shoes: Installation at the LLF, Dole Mansion, IL, March
Floating Children: Installation in collaboration with photojournalist Brian Rutter at the LLF, IL, March
Words: Installation and Audio Show at the Lakeside Legacy Foundation, Dole Mansion, IL, March - 2016 Journey of a Thousand Years at the Memorial Hall Galleries, Chadron, NE, February – March
- 2015 Journey of a Thousand Years at the CACE Gallery of Fine Art, Fort Morgan, CO, October – November
- 2014 A Journey in Bronze at the Smith Klein Gallery, Boulder, CO, March-April
- 2012 Solo Show at the Consortium816 Gallery, Denver, CO, August
- 2004 Denver Performance Arts Complex, Denver, CO
Swallow Hill Art Gallery, Denver, CO - 2002 Quiet Memories of Life at UC Denver, CO
Seçilmiş Karma Sergiler
- 2021 Contemplation, Dairy Arts Center, Boulder, CO, Nov-December
Art + Science + Action, Arbor Institute, Boulder, CO, Nov-December - 2020 Pink Progression-Collaborations, Arvada Center, Arvada, CO, June-August
artWork From Home Exhibition at the Art Gym Gallery, Denver, CO, May-June
NoBo group show at the First Congregational Church, Boulder, CO, February-March - 2019 Art as Advocacy: Promoting Equity and Social Justice for Women, Springfield Art Association, IL, September
Bridges Exhibition, Eldorado Arts Center, Boulder, CO, June
The Colorado REACH Conference and Gala at the Cable Center, Denver University, June
Denver Chamber Commerce at Charles Schwab, Denver, CO, March - 2018 National Sculpture Society Elected Members Online Invitational, Sept – April
Art of Data in the Canyon Gallery at Boulder Library, CO, Dec – Feb
Identity Spectrum at Susquehanna Art Museum, Harrisburg, PA, May – August
Edge of Excess II at Foundry Art Center, Saint Charles, MO, May – June
Artivism at Pollak Gallery, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ, April – May - 2017 INTERSTATE exhibition at the Sarah Spurgeon Gallery, Central Washington University, WA, November
Metamorphosis Show by the Women’s Caucus for Art at the Core New Art Space, Denver, CO, October – November
6th Annual Juried International Exhibition of Contemporary Islamic Art at the Irving Arts Center, TX, October – November
Paradox Show at the Spark Gallery, Denver, CO, August – September
BARED Exhibit at the Ground Floor Gallery, Nashville, TN, August
Artful Fashion National Exhibition at the Allegany Arts Council, Cumberland, MD, May - 2016 83 Annual Awards Exhibition at Brookgreen Gardens, SC, August – October
Off the Wall at the Maryland Federation of Art Summer Annex, Annapolis, MD, June – July
State of Unions at the Core Annex Gallery, Denver, CO, May – June
Art 7/24 at Armaggan Galeries, Istanbul, Turkey, January – March - 2015 Through Her Eyes at the Lacuna Galleries, Santa Fe, NM, May
8th Annual Human Form in Art Show at the Hilliard Gallery, Kansas City, MO, April – May
Creativity Inside the Box at the Loveland Public Library Galleria, Loveland, CO, April – June
The Crow Show at The Studio Door, San Diego, CA, February
The 14th Annual Art Inter/National at Box Heart Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA, January – March - 2014 Open Studios, Boulder, CO, October
- 2013 American Art Today: Figures at the Bunzl Gallery, Highlands, NC, September – January
Show at the Bell Studio Gallery, Denver, CO, January
Sculpture in the Park Show, Loveland, CO - 2012 Sculpture in the Park Show, Loveland, CO, August
Women’s Works at Woodstock, IL, March
Expo 33 at the B.J. at the Spoke Gallery, New York, April
Istanbul Breeze, Turkish Contemporary Art at the Hilton-Asmus Gallery, Chicago, IL, November – January
Own an Original Art Competition at the Littleton Museum, CO, November – January
Boulder Art Resource Exhibition at the Boulder Public Library, CO, January – February
Topeka Competition, Topeka, KS, January
Body and Soul Exhibition at the Hilton-Asmus Gallery, Chicago, IL, December
SOFA Chicago, Chicago, IL, November
Show at the Elinoff Gallery, Telluride CO
Sculpture in the Park Show, Loveland, CO - 2011 Sculpture in the Park Show, Loveland, CO
Art at the River Market, Little Rock, AR
Voices VI: Perspectives of the Artistic Soul at the Rembrandt Yard Gallery, Boulder, CO, January - 2010 Loveland Invitational Sculpture Show, Loveland, CO
The Great Frame Up Artists Gallery, Longmont, CO
Open Studios Fall Artist Tour, World Art Showcase, Boulder, CO
Art at the River Market, Little Rock, AR - 2009 Colorado Artists Guild Juried Exhibition at the Event Gallery, Denver, CO
Loveland Invitational Sculpture Show, Loveland, CO - 2008 Summer Art Market Sculpture Show, ASLD, Denver, CO
- 2007 Summer Art Market Sculpture Show, ASLD, Denver, CO
- 2006 Russian Art Gallery, Santa Fe, Group Exhibition, Denver, CO
- 2005 Summer Art Market Sculpture Show, ASLD, Denver, CO
- 2004 Power and Politics at the Art Students League of Denver, CO
Art in Public Places at the Louisville Art Association, Louisville, CO - 2003 Downtown Boulder Art Fair, Boulder, CO
Group Exhibition: Colorado Arts Festival Curated Show, Denver, CO
Group Exhibition: Art Association of Harrisburg Galleries, PA
Group Exhibition: 5th Annual Colorado Arts Festival, Denver, CO
Annual Juried Show at the Spark Gallery, Denver, CO
- Christopher Hill Gallery, St Helena, CA
- BoxHeart Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA
- Selby Fleetwood Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
- Smith-Klein Gallery, Boulder
- Hilton-Asmus Contemporary, Chicago
- Looking Back, an autobiographical short movie, 6 min, 2014
- Customs House Museum, Clarksville, TN,
- Virtual Shoe Museum, The Hague, Netherlands
Public Art
- 2010 Art on the Street 2010 Gallery, Lafayette, CO
- 2010 Art Advocacy Project, Loveland, CO
- 2021, Residency at La Macina di San Cresci, Tuscany, Italy
- 2021, Art + Science Cohort Grant by BCAA
- Fellowship Award from the 2020 BCAA Endowment Fund
- 2020 #andratuttobene award by Nine Dot Arts, Denver
- 2020 Boulder Arts Week Artist Sponsorship by the City of Boulder Office of Arts and Culture
- 2020 Professional Development Scholarship by the Boulder Arts Commission
- As of 2019, Board Member at the Dairy Arts Center in Boulder
- As of 2019, a panelist at the Boulder Cultural Grants Program at the City of Boulder Office of Arts + Culture
- 2019 Colorado Creative Industries Career Advancement Grant
- 2018 Moon and Stars Project Grant by the American Turkish Society
- 2018 Executive Level Fellow by the Clark Hulings Fund for the Business Accelerator Program
- “Floating Tales” print was featured as Silver Needle Press Visual-Art Contest winner. It will also be published in Silver Needle Press’s Fall 2018 journal issue.
- Elected as a Member of the National Sculpture Society (NSS)
- 2018 Kristal Balta award by KALID, Istanbul
- 2017 Fellow by the Clark Hulings Fund for the Business Accelerator Program
- Tending Space Fellowship for Artists by Hemera Foundation, 2017
- Winner of the Expo 33 Competition 2014, New York
- Gallery Choice Award, Women’s Works 2014, Woodstock, IL
- 1st Place Award for Sculpture, 2009, Colorado Artists Guild Juried Exhibition, Event Gallery, Denver